Never have I seen so much rain..... or the skies being so overcast. Since fall of last year I think there has been more overcast days than I've seen in my entire life. Never mind snow in the winter season for Seasonal Affective Disorder cause well that just wouldn't apply here.
I'm curious as to why though. Why has it been sooooo overcast this past year. In fact the weather network used to post seasonal forecast predictions, but that seems to have curiously disappeared. I even went to the Farmer's Almanac to see what they have forecasted, but as with everything else these things all change. That's not to say they don't have any info though and if you're interested here is the link long range almanac forecast.
I actually find the almanac somewhat fascinating. My father kind of got me interested in the almanac because he would use the info inside to help plan his garden. But there's all kinds of interesting little facts. It's probably the most comprehensive historical weather data around.
Now a lot of people whom I talk to wonder why I talk about the weather and here's the reason. The weather is happening right now and right in this moment. It is always happening right now so it's a timely topic. But it is true I do seem to pay more attention now than ever before.
And so we are in for some more rainy weather....... hello gustov!
Friday, August 29, 2008
rain, rain, rain
farmers almanac,
at 3:53 PM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Jets are coming, the jets are coming.......
Here's one thing I learned today it's not easy taking a picture of a fighter jet. They are very fast and by the time you have them in your sights to take a picture they've disappeared. So these pictures were the best I could do without any special lenses.
This time is usually one that can be bittersweet, as the end of summer is coming nearer. However, there is always one thing you can count on and that's the arrival of the air show at the CNE. Since so many things have changed drastically with the CNE it's somewhat nostalgic and heartwarming to know that you can still count on the Air Show.
When the exhibitions began a hundred years ago and I'm not specifically speaking about just here in Toronto, but in the many other places that exhibitions took place it was truly a place of interest and exploration. Imagine the very first time a clothes washer was introduced, or maybe a typewriter.
It makes me wonder if we are just complacent now when there are new things and well just aren't interested or maybe it's just that we really don't produce anything new and of interest.
I don't know how many people I have spoken to about the CNE but one thing is apparent we all wonder what happened to it. Instead it has just become a money pit that really offers no value to a person's experience other than maybe some entertainment for a day. And a rather expensive day of entertainment.
Maybe it's something manufacturers and organizers of the exhibition don't realize, but it would still be an excellent venue to introduce new thing and even prototypes to the masses and also a great opportunity to gauge marketability of new products.
It was one of those types of things that although maybe your children wouldn't seem interested it's something they would never forget. Plus it gives a reason for the entire family to enjoy a day together and in these times that is becoming something that is more difficult to find.
As for the jets, although they very loud and make the ground shake at my house it's still something I will always enjoy going to see. And it marks the end of summer vacation and the beginning of a bustling new school year.
Hope everyone had a happy summer.
air show,
at 8:59 AM