Well in the continuing series of community pieces I have to come clean. There was actually 5 pieces. The fifth piece which is hanging in South Carolina. Sadly I don't have a picture of that piece. It was reminiscent of the nativity scene. So I guess it could be connected to the other four in a way. I mean after all it takes a village to raise a child, isn't that what we always say.
And well after 9/11 and all the lives lost it really would take the village to raise the children of those whose sadly never came home. I will have to try to get a copy of that painting. For now it is the mysteriously missing link. (Duh-duh-duh)
Now as I am new to all this and you may come in a little late, this is the continuation of the exploration of my spirit through my art. Just a word of note here. Most of favorite pieces, ahhhh.... heck I should say all of my pieces I really didn't like them at all at first. They grow on you. Sort of like, they say it takes 7 times to share an idea or to sell somebody something before they bite. Apparently that's true in art too.
The next community piece was aptly entitled Marketplace II. Believe it or not I don't think of the names as I'm painting that comes much later.

A collage of different groups gathering. Now the groundwork for the series was all laid out at the same time which explains the same colors and tone. The featureless figures and and simple lines too. But that brings me to this. Growing up I would have been the first person to shun, walk away or just plain old not give abstract the time of day.
Here's what I learned from letting go. In order to truly let go, you need to accept even honor the organic shapes. The thing is it's kind of fitting that they don't have specific features and here's the reason why. We live in a world where we separate, you have people with blonde hair and brunette and black and so on. There are people of many different skin tones too. No the people suggested in my paintings are what I would call spirit people and in this I mean truly we are all the same regardless of color and placement or by whatever means we choose to separate ourselves, we all have spirit.
We as forgiving, loving beings of conscience are united by an invisible thread that makes us all the same in more ways than we could possibly imagine. We come together in community for many different reasons, and ultimately we choose who we surround ourselves by. The important thing to remember and that is often forgotten is that out of need there is always a community there that is willing to help, accept, support and love. This is what comes across in the above painting, that there is many different types of community.
This is a hopeful and inspirational image, a reminder that when one feels isolated, is looking for answers, support, or just plain someone to talk to it is never too far. All that is truly needed is the courage to ask for what is needed. In times of need we sometimes are too caught up in our own thoughts and worry in order to reach out. So be willing, willing to hear, willing to see, willing to believe in miracles no matter how big or small they may seem at the time. Be willing to receive.
With this in mind I encourage you to look around your life in reflection of the different types of community there is in your life.
It's a small world after all.