That's a big topic and for those of you who thinks it doesn't affect us you're living in your own little reality. First let's take our present Prime Ministers relationship with the US leader. On the surface it may seem like there isn't really that much going on there... passing acquaintances but underneath it all, there is nothing but the interest in Oil that is the connecting factor.
Yup that's right I said the bad word Oil and everything the republicans do is tied to Oil. One is because many of them have personal interest and wealth in the Oil industry. Now to say the industry includes only oil is a bit deceiving there are other industries and interests involved here. Like the production of ethanol for the new alternative fuel, but ultimately it's self interest and not interest for the quality of life for americans.
Here's my take on this and it's only my take...... I go on what my instincts and intuition tell me.
Alberta is in a way the Canadian Texas with all it's Oil producing fields and it's attitude. The PM really doesn't give a hoot about all Canadians, but mostly what will benefit Alberta in the long run. Now I can't really blame any particular PM that would come from any other province especially since the usual experience is we only ever have PMs that come from Quebec. (which in itself is a bit suspect and suspicious, but a little bit more understandable for many reasons).
I do find it a little suspicious that Harper of all times has chosen now, right now an October election. An election that will take place before the American election. Historically in Canada we don't have long huge drawn out campaigns, but there is something inside me that says there is more to this election than meets the eye. What exactly this is I can only take a guess.
There is one thing I'm grateful for and that is there haven't been any attack ads. Attack ads on everything from a person's character to their ability of as a leader. These types of ads are an American phenomenon. Canadians are generally kinder and more supportive hence our reputation as a Peace loving country and peacekeepers and makers. The basic thing to this is...... we spend so much time teaching our children about bullying and how not to be a bully or how to deal with a bully. Yet these types of ads do nothing but perpetuate that very kind of behaviour.
Now if I'm not mistaken we are talking about adults here, adults that are educated, adults who claim they have ideals, morals and values. Plus I'm sure these adults deal with teaching these very same issues to their children. So when if ever has it been considered alright to perpetuate the very same behaviour and attitudes we don't want to see. Our leaders need to be leaders and although this may seem like the tiniest smallest thing they need to worry about it's this very kind of example they need to set. We are all watching!!!! Don't forget it.
In fact to point out an example, when Stephen Dion was elected the Conservatives started a campaign discrediting him based on out of context speeches. All I can say is shame on the conservatives. Now on the other hand have you noticed the newest ads put out by the Conservatives, they do not slam anyone in fact they qualify no one but their leader and that's how it should be. (okay so I spoke to soon and now since the election is officially underway the mudslinging is about to begin, but as long as they stick to their records and not their characters are we still one step ahead? Hmmmmmm..........?????)
Now back to how the US election affects us. The thing is if you have been watching any of the campaign unfolding in front of our eyes you have to remember we get a very different perspective the outsider's view that isn't skewed drastically to sway us to see just one side. We actually get to see things from the broader perspective, we get to look at the larger picture. And if it wasn't for Youtube and other social networking sites, the good US citizens too may only be getting a specific view. With all these new things available to them they get to take in the broader perspective if they want. If they're interested.
So in the larger perspective in my opinion you have Obama who I believe and feel that he is completely aware the entire world is watching. As a fairly new political player with a short history of experience he has taken on a very experienced running mate.
McCain on the other hand although maybe more experienced by his years of service has chosen a relatively inexperienced running mate and a female to boot. My gut is telling me he is pandering to get voters he might not otherwise get. Not only that but to go after more Oil in Alaska that is in a national reserve to boot. Yup there is the Oil connection again. Now Palin may be a bit of a spitfire and the token female, but truthfully as a VP would mostly be ineffective not only to the country but in some ways not with Alaska's best interest at heart.
With Canada situated in the middle between Alaska and the rest of the US it will definitely affect the Northern environment and trickling down to the rest of Canada. Now either way the election goes Canadians are looking at our trade agreements being under scrutiny. And rightfully so, the North American Free Trade Agreement has never in any way or form ever been beneficial to Canadians, in fact in many ways it has been detrimental in the loss of manufacturing jobs and many other issues. These agreements have basically taken the spotlight off the service to citizens and placed the service squarely on private enterprise. There is no balance. So it is no wonder that the rich get richer while the majority is forgotten. Again personal interest on part of the government. Plus it is no wonder that the Free Trade agreement was one that was penned and signed by both Republican and Conservatives.
If you just look at the pattern of how the economy does while each perspective party is in power both here and in the United States, what would you rather have. You would think that if a Conservative or Republican party were truly conservative in their ways the money wouldn't be going out the window in droves. And each and every time it's always the Liberals and Democrats that come in to reset the economy and bring it back into balance. Now you would think with a record like that the choice would be obvious. Republicans/Conservatives in my view are equal to Enron's executive corruption. Now I'm not saying that corruption does not happen within the Liberal/Democratic realm cause well that would be someone with there head in the sand, but you really can't fault a government that creates jobs and reduces the debt and takes care of the people who voted them in.
Friday, September 5, 2008
So how does the American election affect Canada?
Posted by
stephen dion,
stephen harper
at 11:14 AM