No surprises for the fact that the conservatives won. Although I am a little disappointed. Conservatives need not comment to me. The fact is we have the same government we had before and there absolutely needs to be consensus amongst the parties to work together to navigate Canada through the current and upcoming economic crisis.
Some of the other disappointments in this particular election is the fact that the Conservative government foolishly spent 300 million dollars for more of the same and the lowest voter turn out in history. Analysts can think this one through the wazoo....
It's also sad to see the lack of younger voter turn out for which I'm sure there is many various reasons for such.
The positive outlook to low younger turn out for me is that...... The younger generation is wired differently. We all seek change.... but they are the change. It is ultimately up to them to demand the change, make the suggestions toward a new future and than make the changes. Let's face the old boy's club is out of sync and look out only for their interests. Yup, I went there and even me being middle of the road and more than willing to welcome change would possibly have a difficult adjusting depending on the severity of change we see.
So I guess in retrospect that is where my disappoint lies with the election results...... that it's just more of the same.
Change is a good thing it's the only thing that is truly inevitably in our lives.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My take on the election results *#()@&*#
at 8:59 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Election Day - Finally!!!!!
Finally! Election day is upon us and it couldn't come soon enough. Although the results have yet to be completely tallied and reported I'm not expecting any outrageous surprises. Although I think outrageous surprises would be interesting and in a way needed.
The topic I was hoping to touch on since my last blog was what makes a good leader. I read something recently in a newspaper and sadly I can not remember which one or who wrote the article but they did lightly touch on what makes a good leader. I do however remember my unabashed hysterical laughter as to what little they actually believed made good leadership.
When we're talking about the leadership of a country representing millions of people, whether or not they all voted for the elected leader, I believe there needs to be a certain standard. For instance, many of us take into consideration, the leaders experience, not only as a leader in a job situation, but how much political experience have they had previously. Now there may be some people who may disagree with me, but I do not see a leader as a dictator, telling people what to do and how to think. I think a good leader will create a good symbiotic team who will be able to lean not only on one another but actually be able to cross party lines to work out issues. I also do not think a leader should ever (in fact any political incumbent) name call or speak in an accusing or derogatory manner to or about other members. This should be considered common courtesy and regular protocol. A leader should really know what is going on in their country. And by this I mean they need to know all the intricacies that make up the different regions and work on behalf to unite the country. There should be no specific special interest on part of the leader. And because of this I do not believe our leaders should run on a partisan ticket. I do not find it in the interest of any one person in the populace that the leader should somehow not look at the country they are representing as not several different regions but indeed just one.
My Utopian Electoral World
Every election we are promised change, and in fact the entire world needs to see change, especially in they way populations are represented. You know the old saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it" well it is broken and if there isn't enough proof of that yet than just how much more chaos and uncertainty would it have to take to take off the rose coloured glasses.
When people say we need change I don't think we are talking about change on a small scale. That kind of change results in nothing, it usually leads to adding band aid solutions to the bigger problem. In my utopian electoral world there would be no parties. Those elected would in fact have to work together. And not only would they have to work with other regional representatives, it should be mandatory that they in fact reach out and do real charity work within their communities and to do outreach to the people they are representing. There schedules would need to have this built in. Let's not forget, we the taxpayers pay the salaries not only of these elected officials but of all the people who work beneath them. They indeed work for us and it should not only be remembered but their should be consequences made built into this system. People should be running to be a representative not because of all the benefits they receive, but because they truly want to make a difference in the lives of the people of the people they represent and to make this this world the best place to live or want to live.
I'm sure there is much more that I could expand upon here, but as always the ideas are still swirling around in the brain space that is me.
Happy elections results!
election promises,
at 6:35 PM
Monday, October 6, 2008
Dealing with the cards in hand..........
Well I was going to take a deeper look into what makes a leader, but right now I'm dealing with other issues. A family member in the hospital, and being there to help in any way I can. That does kind of point to something a leader should possess, that being able to respond to a crisis at hand, willing to pull up there sleeves and help and being able to change direction in a moment's notice to help.
The election is coming soon and this event has made me think as to which leader in our pit of choices would actually be able to do this. Not only do it, but with compassion and grace and still carry on afterwards and changing direction once again. Who is best able to put together a team of people who can work together and get things done. Who can best work with the others within the other parties. Plans are not written in stone....... a leader must be flexible enough to be able to respond or adjust.
Quite frankly once I started looking at this issue I really doubt Stephen Harper as a leader. He called his government dysfunctional, he couldn't get it to work. How much of that is actually a reflection of him and not what he has to work with?
I will continue to ponder this leadership topic and am more than willing to share my thoughts on it. The election is only one week away. To close to completely investigate it fully. I encourage everyone to go and vote their conscience. What can you really live with for four more years.
There is a small niggly part of me that swears this election was called in order to announce a partnership between the Republicans of the States and the Conservatives of Canada. Like I said it kind of twittering away there somewhere inside of me. I personally don't see this happening but I'll wouldn't be surprised.
Post Scriptum........ Ok so I was just glimpsing over some news and this is the one thing that is bugging me. Stephen Harper is going on to say the Canadian Banking industry is not in crisis. I don't ever remember anyone saying it was! I can imagine people are kind of skiddish, but to think that since so much of Canada's investments as far as jobs and new investments come from outside of Canada than how in the world does he not think the banking fiasco does not effect Canada. Again I prove my point that he is delusional. How can he not connect the dots.
stephen harper
at 10:20 AM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Political fodder or just plain BS!!
There is something brewing here...... oh dear **** soup. Could be that there was a listerosis outbreak in the Green Room at the debate. I woke up in the middle of the night as I do sometimes and for some crazed reason decided I would look at the Star online. Voila there is was staring me in the face like pasty mouth after being sick. The english leaders debate. Oddly enough the picture they chose was a picture with all the leaders obviously looking at the camera and Stephen Harper typically with his back to the camera walking away from the other leaders. Subliminal as it may be this is exactly how I picture Harper, with his back to the constituents, with no real concern or conscious towards the people and the land that he represents. I would put a link here to the picture but of course as I sit down to write this of course the picture has been changed.
There are some very interesting things to point out here. One of them being Stephen Harpers' denial that Canada is undergoing a recession. Curious what it would take for him to actually realize this. The second and this has been going on for awhile is his refusal to put a plan forward in this election. It's very easy for him to pick apart others plans cause hey!!!! they actually have some. I think my biggest question that continually nags at me is this - I am pretty certain we will end up with a minority Conservative Government that is unless the conservatives have rigged the election as they did when good ole Bush got elected.
In fact I think they will end up with fewer seats than they now hold. But the burning question is......... Harper claims to have called this election because the Government was dysfunctional and he couldn't get things done, so if we end up in the same situation what is his call going to be. Oh I think I will just call another election or will he actually get down to the task at hand and show some leadership?
Leadership..... that's my next burning topic, it's percolating in my head and I don't just want to spew it out hapharzardly. Why? Well the leadership of this country is in peril so maybe we need to actually take a closer look into what good working leadership is.
For now enjoy the ongoing saga of familiar regurgitated pat answers of the political arena and the avoidance of putting forth any real plans.
leadership debate,
the star
at 12:20 PM