Well I was going to take a deeper look into what makes a leader, but right now I'm dealing with other issues. A family member in the hospital, and being there to help in any way I can. That does kind of point to something a leader should possess, that being able to respond to a crisis at hand, willing to pull up there sleeves and help and being able to change direction in a moment's notice to help.
The election is coming soon and this event has made me think as to which leader in our pit of choices would actually be able to do this. Not only do it, but with compassion and grace and still carry on afterwards and changing direction once again. Who is best able to put together a team of people who can work together and get things done. Who can best work with the others within the other parties. Plans are not written in stone....... a leader must be flexible enough to be able to respond or adjust.
Quite frankly once I started looking at this issue I really doubt Stephen Harper as a leader. He called his government dysfunctional, he couldn't get it to work. How much of that is actually a reflection of him and not what he has to work with?
I will continue to ponder this leadership topic and am more than willing to share my thoughts on it. The election is only one week away. To close to completely investigate it fully. I encourage everyone to go and vote their conscience. What can you really live with for four more years.
There is a small niggly part of me that swears this election was called in order to announce a partnership between the Republicans of the States and the Conservatives of Canada. Like I said it kind of twittering away there somewhere inside of me. I personally don't see this happening but I'll wouldn't be surprised.
Post Scriptum........ Ok so I was just glimpsing over some news and this is the one thing that is bugging me. Stephen Harper is going on to say the Canadian Banking industry is not in crisis. I don't ever remember anyone saying it was! I can imagine people are kind of skiddish, but to think that since so much of Canada's investments as far as jobs and new investments come from outside of Canada than how in the world does he not think the banking fiasco does not effect Canada. Again I prove my point that he is delusional. How can he not connect the dots.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Dealing with the cards in hand..........
Posted by
stephen harper
at 10:20 AM