That seems to be the big topic these days. My question is how can an economy base it's economy on cars and before that houses. Let's get real there is so much more to an economy than these two things. It's time to start thinking broader. First off the big three north American auto companies got themselves into this mess. They do so by not paying attention to what it is they do best and start many off chutes. Markets trends aren't necessarily dictated by Oil. It was short sighted on part of these companies to buck to the interests of the big oil fat cats by not producing the leaner and more efficient alternative models, if these companies had stuck to doing what they do best and drive the industry these models would have already been available in the north american market. Instead we are now logging behind the european market who are now rolling out the first hydrogen hybrids.
As for the bail out my solution would be to take GM out of Oshawa area and replacing it with an employee owned newer alternative car producing plant. Yup a Canadian branded car, the business model much the same as West Jet. For Oshawa this I believe would be a viable and possible solution and could turn to the Magna Corporation for leadership in the set-up. That's just my two cents and yes I know I don't have a degree in economics but these are the things I see.
my two cents
Monday, November 17, 2008
Auto Industry Bailout
Posted by
auto bail out,
employee ownership,
market trends
at 11:10 AM