Okay so I haven't blogged in a bit about art. Mostly because I have been absorbing information. A lot of information, mostly to do with Quantum Physics and Ecology and Energy. There's more to come on this down the road I'm sure. Maybe even some art generated with this in mind. There really is no forethought given to my paintings as I paint. Realism isn't my thing in painting and of course there is more to that than meets the eye. Ultimately to me painting is like a language, and painting something that is realistic - is painting something that exists in the physical. So we're not talking about anything new, where's the creativity in that?
I started really pondering language and one of the reasons why is because my daughter has difficulty reading. She has the pleasure of seeing things differently, three dimensionally. Which as a parent until recently has kind of boggled my mind - and not necessarily in the best of ways and mostly because I didn't understand how she thinks. A friend who is also challenged with this same type of thinking described it for me. Now I just think it's kind of cool, and well it challenges me to look at things differently.
So in my exploration into the science of existence and energy a thought literally burst into my head. Something my daughter would always say to me and that is 'I like math better than reading or writing'. Imagine that! I think I figured out some of the reasons why she likes numbers more so than words. One: numbers are numbers there is no need to translate. It is a Universal language. It would be the same in English, French, Swahili, Russian......... you name it it's the same everywhere. Two is energy, oddly enough numbers are the language of energy. All energy is measured by numbers.
In my quest of trying to understand 3rd dimensional thinking I started coming across things and that is many of this world's geniuses all had learning difficulties. Numbers seem to be the common language. I actually kind of look forward to see how the world unfolds for my daughter. In all ways I am certain it will be perfect and adventurous. The biggest obstacle is to unlock the curiosity and energy of how she see's things and having the courage and disassociation of what others think to pave the way to a brighter future.
The one thing I ultimately would love to see happen is for the mentors and teachers who I know exist out there to become present in her life.
So you're probably wondering what all this has to do with art, and I will say simply Leonardo Da Vinci.
I will be back soon........ on more about my Art.
Life is Art unfolding in every moment. Enjoy!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Universal Language
Posted by
3rd dimension,
universal language
at 9:53 AM