OMG!!! All this election stuff is really starting to grate on my nerves. And sadly the US election seems ultimately much more exciting than our own here in Canada which can be very distracting. Makes one think if that was part of Harper's election strategy to call an election right at this moment.
OK so here it is, I'm just going to come out and say it. A vote for Harper is a vote for Bushlike politics. Wake up people look at the mess happening in the US. And don't stick your head in the sand and deny there is no mess here. Harper and the rest of anyone who is anyone that works within the financial arena are all in denial. Of course they don't want to admit things are not all that rosy. They want consumer confidence. All PR reps will always put a positive spin on things and the fact that Harper has barely said a peep about the economy makes one wonder if the PR train has left the station and just how much denial there is.
Can we really afford Bushlike politics in Canada. Take a look at your bank account, your investments and so on. Look at the bigger picture.
I found it kind of interesting watching a news show this weekend in which they spoke about the economic crisis that we are apparently not in. It was interesting from the stand point that the men on the panel were all painting a rosy picture and No Canada is not going to undergo the same kind a downfall as the US. Which actually I believe! (However, I must also interject that it is a very fine line that we are standing on.) But the women on the panel, sadly yes only one represented, did point out that consumer confidence is already down and people are tightening their belts. The question is how would four more years of a Harpercons affect us financially. Remember, look at the bigger picture people.
Let's not forget Harper is more interested in cutting trade deals that would badly affect our bottom lines as it is. I got to say it - IT's TIME TO LOOK OUT FOR CANADA FIRST. Let's not become a part of the global economic detritus.
Time is running out.
Just a few post scripts here....... it is my prediction that ultimately Canadian will end up with the same government we now have, still a minority with Harper at the helm, although I do think there will be a surprising pick up of more NDP seats. That's just my prediction.
Here's another postscript for those who are following the US eco bailout situation, here is a look into what may be the background to what and how things have come about at Divine Cosmos. David is generally a voice of calm in a sea of chaos. Most of his messages are uplifting.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Election Broo Ha Ha!!!!!
Posted by
economic fallout,
new democrats,
trade deals
at 11:20 AM