Well it didn't take long for the election propaganda to start. Not long at all. However let's keep in mind this election campaign is very short and it's important enough to actually ignore all this crap and do some digging. It doesn't matter what these guys say or the promises they make. It's time to cut to the quick and look at past performance and records not only for the leaders involved but also in the ridings and for the particular parties.
The fact is Canada is in an economic slow down........ yes, a recession and truth be told things aren't looking good. Let me remind everyone. You can hire as many analysts and publicists as you want. The story will always be the same, it will be spinned to give the most uplifting message possible, ignoring the true facts. So here's the challenge, start looking around, poke around things that might for the most part notinterest you and start putting all those puzzle pieces together to see the larger perspective.
It is the government's pipe dream to think the implosion of the US economic situation will not effect ours. Keep in mind NAFTA, keep in mind that we have more foreign companies in Canada than ever before, and yes it will trickle down. Let me remind you that Stephen Harper wants fewer regulations and wants to relax foreign investment pitfalls to bring in more foreign investors. What do you honestly think that will mean for Canada down the line. If Harper has his way he will be carving up and selling off Canada in pieces. I don't know about you but is that the kind of country you want to live in. It may be I'm slightly over reacting and you may think I have a hate on for Harper, but when it comes right down to it, with his my way attitude, do you really trust him to have all of Canada's best interest at heart.
Remember above all things, that your choice does ultimately send a message as to the kind of country you want to live in.
I will not kid you that the leaders we have to choose from are any good choice. I will not kid you that the way our electoral system is set-up is a true reflection of how the people would truly like to vote. Personally, I would like to be able to vote for our leader separately from the person who I would like to see represent my riding, but I would also like to get rid of partisan politics too. I definitely will not hold my breath on the last one. However, I do believe if people could vote for a leader separately from the ruling party you might be surprised at the results. Ultimately it would be nice to know that these people are here to work on behalf of the people of Canada, to represent our best interests, here at home and abroad.
So as for all the polls and constant barrage of bull puckey, remember the challenge and do some digging. Hearsay is just hearsay go with your own informed choice.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Promises, Promises, Promises
Posted by
election promises,
at 4:22 PM