So last night for some unknown reason I started to think back to when this election was called and why. Just exactly why are we having this election right now?????? And than I remembered ....... oh yeah it's because Harper said parliament was dysfunctional. Yeah that's right dysfunctional! So than I started thinking what would make parliament not dysfunctional? Which brought me back to leadership. Yup, leadership.
A good leader works with what he has. If they are truly a good leader than their leadership qualities would transcend and make right what is dysfunctional. And to truly make it functional would mean to work with all the strengths within the personalities that is set before you. So that brings me to this my final question.
Is Stephen Harper really leadership material, when he must disband parliament in order to make it work for him. Who's he really looking out for?
P.S. Ok I just want to mention or better yet add .......... that by working with the personalities set before you I mean to cross party lines and to get the entire government working together. I am by no means suggesting he rely soley on his own Conservative members whom seem to continually F*** things up!
Imagine ....... the members of parliament working together to make this a better country together. Hmmmm.... sounds like cooperation. Maybe it's just a pipe dream of mine!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A new revelation! HA!
Posted by
stephen harper,
working together
at 8:22 AM