So I picked up a Metronews this morning after dropping my child off at school and I came across this article, which I thought was pretty funny and so timely.
Here's a little excerpt to bring you up to speed.
What campaign attack ads need is a commentary track, just like the ones that come on DVDs and Blu-Ray discs, except these commentaries would tell you what the people who made the ads are really thinking.
from Metronews, Mike Tennant
Here's the thing - the attack ads are a strategy that Harper actually brought in let's not forget that. They changed the legislations saying that they could do whatever they wanted. Damn to the standards council! But Mike does have a point about the intention behind the ads. However, there is one minor thing he left out. Although they are attacks ads there is always some grain of truth there. The onus is on us the voters to uncover the truth behind those headlines.
It's nice they give us these pointers and these markers to look into, but really whose got the freaking time. Instead, let's forgo all the crap that's coming at us and start looking at those topics that personally effect us. Aside from just looking how things just effect us personally we than need to take into account the bigger picture. For instance, I may not live in Alberta, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be concerned of all the Multi-National entities coming in and carving up the land and not taking into consideration the environment. Plus all the jobs that go to non-canadians. Which quite frankly I find absolutely hilarious and short sighted on Harpers' part.
Let's not forget the current conservative government is in the midst of making a trade agreement with the European Union which implies that more and more of this will be happening. Let's also not forget Harper has a way of giving corporations many tax breaks. So ultimately if you look down the road, in 20-30 years we will be left with and even huger mess to clean up. Harper is in fact going to sell out Canada, bankrupt the government or worse!! He doesn't have the best interest of working Canadians in mind. As a country we can not survive alone on just importing everything and providing service. It's seriously an unbalanced approach.
Our country CANADA is a great country!! Is worth more than just a little thought about putting an X next to someone's name and making them responsible for our future. CANADIANS need to stand up and make sure our voices are heard at election time and beyond.
The ultimate question should be - What kind of CANADA do you want to live in?????