As some would figure out, Lily isn't actually my real name. However if I were actually to choose my name that's what it would be. Shortened from my onscreen name lilyofthevalleyz or lillyofthevalleyz. Why some might say? The fact is I'm a fairly private person. Unlike some people who have become celebrities based solely by marketing and branding themselves, well let's just say that's not me.
I don't know about you, but I find talking about myself to be rather boring and obnoxious. There is nothing more phoney than when a person must go on and on about how wonderful there life is, or how wonderful you should perceive that they are. An instant blown out example would be Paris Hilton. I mean come on ...... going around to party after party making life seem like an endless sea of parties, no worries, no real soul connections to people, I mean how could you possible have a soul connection to someone if your forever flitting about and unable to actually sit back and truly reflect on the person you are and where, what exactly that means.
Now just because I don't really like talking about myself doesn't mean I don't know who I am. In fact I'm a great many of things, I fill a lot of different roles, but most importantly I am who ever I decide to be in any given moment and in order to be able to respond to who I want to be in any given moment requires me to be introspective.
I don't need to be branded because quite frankly that just put parameters and expectations on who I am. So if I may actually make a broad statement. I am unique!! I choose to be who I am by responding to what is happening in the moment. I do not live in the past. And I do not try to live into the future.
There is one thing I do know about myself and that is I am a great deal stronger and courageous than I actually believe that I am. I am also compassionate and fair, I try to see the bigger picture in all situations. But here's one thing I will say that I am and that is I AM NOT PERFECT!! I DO MAKE MISTAKES!!
Some people may think that because I am somewhat private that I am not open, but the truth is I am probably more so.
The main fact that to why I am somewhat private especially within the context of the World Wide Web is mainly because some people really are not considerate. I have experienced it all I think, just not to the extreme, and I don't really need to experience it all in the extreme to know I don't like the way it can make me feel like, and that would be slimed.
My biggest question towards that is why do people find it acceptable to behave in derogatory, negative, slimy and inappropriate ways?
So in fact that is why I am Lily.
Peace in your Heart!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
What's in a name???
Posted by
I am,
paris hilton,
at 9:29 AM