Yup, here I go again. So because the US Republicans deregulated the markets and relaxed the rules, the big shot fat cats it seems decided to take upon themselves to make up their own rules. Now look at the mess their in. Is it just plain GREED. There's a hint in here though and I wonder if anyone can figure it out. The hint is that the Canadian conservatives also want to relax the rules and deregulate a lot of industries, including the Food Inspection Agencies and look at the mess that's happening there.
There is a bill to impeach President George Bush, not necessarily over this current crisis, but over his lack of forthcoming of the truth regarding Iraq and claiming Weapons of Mass Destruction which was just a ploy to send in the army and attempt to secure their oil interests. He has been trying to do it again in the whole Georgia/Russia incident, President Bush is making desperate attempts to upset the apple cart and one has to wonder what the underlying reasons for this are.
There are many, many theories and predictions out there. I mostly go on what my gut tells me. Let's face it, it's time to wake up people. It doesn't matter what other people say to you, truthfully! What matters the most is that you come to your own conclusions based on your own true feelings regarding everything.
We live in a world where everything is handed to us right down to the way we should think. The fact is we know how to think, but we don't know how to feel. We tend to push what we truly feel aside and opt out instead to take on all of this other stuff on. Right down to the ruling by fear..... George Bush had suggested on the American psyche regarding terrorists, and now the catastrophic financial sector bailout.
We as humans are given this tool of intuition, which is basically what most psychics build upon to be able to retrieve information that already exists within us. So what I'm saying is the answers to everything exists within you. The problem is we are constantly being bombarded by all the media messages and comparisons to one another to really be able to tap into those answers. So it would be no wonder that a book such as the POWER OF NOW by Eckhart Tolle would have come to such success recently. The Power of Now suggests that we sit in stillness..... when we sit in stillness that is when we are able to hear, know and feel the answers that exist.
We are given messages all the time when we are at are most relaxed and often times that happens in meditation or in REM state. Although these messages may not be specific to any given situation there usually is an underlying clue.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Finding the Answers - a guide to our future!!!
eckhart tolle,
power of now,
weapons of mass destruction
at 2:36 PM
Election Broo Ha Ha!!!!!
OMG!!! All this election stuff is really starting to grate on my nerves. And sadly the US election seems ultimately much more exciting than our own here in Canada which can be very distracting. Makes one think if that was part of Harper's election strategy to call an election right at this moment.
OK so here it is, I'm just going to come out and say it. A vote for Harper is a vote for Bushlike politics. Wake up people look at the mess happening in the US. And don't stick your head in the sand and deny there is no mess here. Harper and the rest of anyone who is anyone that works within the financial arena are all in denial. Of course they don't want to admit things are not all that rosy. They want consumer confidence. All PR reps will always put a positive spin on things and the fact that Harper has barely said a peep about the economy makes one wonder if the PR train has left the station and just how much denial there is.
Can we really afford Bushlike politics in Canada. Take a look at your bank account, your investments and so on. Look at the bigger picture.
I found it kind of interesting watching a news show this weekend in which they spoke about the economic crisis that we are apparently not in. It was interesting from the stand point that the men on the panel were all painting a rosy picture and No Canada is not going to undergo the same kind a downfall as the US. Which actually I believe! (However, I must also interject that it is a very fine line that we are standing on.) But the women on the panel, sadly yes only one represented, did point out that consumer confidence is already down and people are tightening their belts. The question is how would four more years of a Harpercons affect us financially. Remember, look at the bigger picture people.
Let's not forget Harper is more interested in cutting trade deals that would badly affect our bottom lines as it is. I got to say it - IT's TIME TO LOOK OUT FOR CANADA FIRST. Let's not become a part of the global economic detritus.
Time is running out.
Just a few post scripts here....... it is my prediction that ultimately Canadian will end up with the same government we now have, still a minority with Harper at the helm, although I do think there will be a surprising pick up of more NDP seats. That's just my prediction.
Here's another postscript for those who are following the US eco bailout situation, here is a look into what may be the background to what and how things have come about at Divine Cosmos. David is generally a voice of calm in a sea of chaos. Most of his messages are uplifting.
economic fallout,
new democrats,
trade deals
at 11:20 AM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Fiction or Non-Fiction???
This weekend is the Word on the Street. Saturday to be exact. For those who have never been it's quite the experience with a chance to meet authors, talk to publishers, and explore everything books and magazine. All Canadian published. This is the very culture Stephen Harper wants to cut. It has taken well over 10 years for the festival to build it up to the point where there are simultaneous events happening in Calgary, Halifax, Vancouver, Kitchener and Toronto. For a more insider's point of view or to learn how to participate click on their blog.
Update! There is no actual event happening in Calgary this year, hmmmmm..... maybe that's due already to the cultural cuts Mr. Harper has promised.
I love books!!!! If the well was deep enough I would have a huge library like you would see in one of those of mansions in some of the most notable literary novels. Hee hee hee!!! The good thing about the festival is your able to get some pretty good deals, listen to author readings and experience the a microcosm of literary culture. It's also a good place to explore some of the more obscure topics, novels and magazines that will truly make you think. We're not talking about brain candy fluffy stuff. In fact I remember one time having the opportunity to listen to some unplugged well known recording artists that performed in support of the festival. You never know what you might come across. Only one warning though...... especially if you attend the Toronto or Vancouver events - get there early, and expect to face 100,000's of other book lovers. Although I find the Queen's Park venue to be quite interesting in directing the flow and offering respite in the park and the grounds surrounding U of T.
Hope to see you there.
P.S. This won't be my first post about books.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Stephens - you have some 'splaining to do!!!
So I picked up a Metronews this morning after dropping my child off at school and I came across this article, which I thought was pretty funny and so timely.
Here's a little excerpt to bring you up to speed.
What campaign attack ads need is a commentary track, just like the ones that come on DVDs and Blu-Ray discs, except these commentaries would tell you what the people who made the ads are really thinking.
from Metronews, Mike Tennant
Here's the thing - the attack ads are a strategy that Harper actually brought in let's not forget that. They changed the legislations saying that they could do whatever they wanted. Damn to the standards council! But Mike does have a point about the intention behind the ads. However, there is one minor thing he left out. Although they are attacks ads there is always some grain of truth there. The onus is on us the voters to uncover the truth behind those headlines.
It's nice they give us these pointers and these markers to look into, but really whose got the freaking time. Instead, let's forgo all the crap that's coming at us and start looking at those topics that personally effect us. Aside from just looking how things just effect us personally we than need to take into account the bigger picture. For instance, I may not live in Alberta, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be concerned of all the Multi-National entities coming in and carving up the land and not taking into consideration the environment. Plus all the jobs that go to non-canadians. Which quite frankly I find absolutely hilarious and short sighted on Harpers' part.
Let's not forget the current conservative government is in the midst of making a trade agreement with the European Union which implies that more and more of this will be happening. Let's also not forget Harper has a way of giving corporations many tax breaks. So ultimately if you look down the road, in 20-30 years we will be left with and even huger mess to clean up. Harper is in fact going to sell out Canada, bankrupt the government or worse!! He doesn't have the best interest of working Canadians in mind. As a country we can not survive alone on just importing everything and providing service. It's seriously an unbalanced approach.
Our country CANADA is a great country!! Is worth more than just a little thought about putting an X next to someone's name and making them responsible for our future. CANADIANS need to stand up and make sure our voices are heard at election time and beyond.
The ultimate question should be - What kind of CANADA do you want to live in?????
campaign strategy,
stephen harper
at 9:20 AM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
What's in a name???
As some would figure out, Lily isn't actually my real name. However if I were actually to choose my name that's what it would be. Shortened from my onscreen name lilyofthevalleyz or lillyofthevalleyz. Why some might say? The fact is I'm a fairly private person. Unlike some people who have become celebrities based solely by marketing and branding themselves, well let's just say that's not me.
I don't know about you, but I find talking about myself to be rather boring and obnoxious. There is nothing more phoney than when a person must go on and on about how wonderful there life is, or how wonderful you should perceive that they are. An instant blown out example would be Paris Hilton. I mean come on ...... going around to party after party making life seem like an endless sea of parties, no worries, no real soul connections to people, I mean how could you possible have a soul connection to someone if your forever flitting about and unable to actually sit back and truly reflect on the person you are and where, what exactly that means.
Now just because I don't really like talking about myself doesn't mean I don't know who I am. In fact I'm a great many of things, I fill a lot of different roles, but most importantly I am who ever I decide to be in any given moment and in order to be able to respond to who I want to be in any given moment requires me to be introspective.
I don't need to be branded because quite frankly that just put parameters and expectations on who I am. So if I may actually make a broad statement. I am unique!! I choose to be who I am by responding to what is happening in the moment. I do not live in the past. And I do not try to live into the future.
There is one thing I do know about myself and that is I am a great deal stronger and courageous than I actually believe that I am. I am also compassionate and fair, I try to see the bigger picture in all situations. But here's one thing I will say that I am and that is I AM NOT PERFECT!! I DO MAKE MISTAKES!!
Some people may think that because I am somewhat private that I am not open, but the truth is I am probably more so.
The main fact that to why I am somewhat private especially within the context of the World Wide Web is mainly because some people really are not considerate. I have experienced it all I think, just not to the extreme, and I don't really need to experience it all in the extreme to know I don't like the way it can make me feel like, and that would be slimed.
My biggest question towards that is why do people find it acceptable to behave in derogatory, negative, slimy and inappropriate ways?
So in fact that is why I am Lily.
Peace in your Heart!!
I am,
paris hilton,
at 9:29 AM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A new revelation! HA!
So last night for some unknown reason I started to think back to when this election was called and why. Just exactly why are we having this election right now?????? And than I remembered ....... oh yeah it's because Harper said parliament was dysfunctional. Yeah that's right dysfunctional! So than I started thinking what would make parliament not dysfunctional? Which brought me back to leadership. Yup, leadership.
A good leader works with what he has. If they are truly a good leader than their leadership qualities would transcend and make right what is dysfunctional. And to truly make it functional would mean to work with all the strengths within the personalities that is set before you. So that brings me to this my final question.
Is Stephen Harper really leadership material, when he must disband parliament in order to make it work for him. Who's he really looking out for?
P.S. Ok I just want to mention or better yet add .......... that by working with the personalities set before you I mean to cross party lines and to get the entire government working together. I am by no means suggesting he rely soley on his own Conservative members whom seem to continually F*** things up!
Imagine ....... the members of parliament working together to make this a better country together. Hmmmm.... sounds like cooperation. Maybe it's just a pipe dream of mine!!!
stephen harper,
working together
at 8:22 AM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Promises, Promises, Promises
Well it didn't take long for the election propaganda to start. Not long at all. However let's keep in mind this election campaign is very short and it's important enough to actually ignore all this crap and do some digging. It doesn't matter what these guys say or the promises they make. It's time to cut to the quick and look at past performance and records not only for the leaders involved but also in the ridings and for the particular parties.
The fact is Canada is in an economic slow down........ yes, a recession and truth be told things aren't looking good. Let me remind everyone. You can hire as many analysts and publicists as you want. The story will always be the same, it will be spinned to give the most uplifting message possible, ignoring the true facts. So here's the challenge, start looking around, poke around things that might for the most part notinterest you and start putting all those puzzle pieces together to see the larger perspective.
It is the government's pipe dream to think the implosion of the US economic situation will not effect ours. Keep in mind NAFTA, keep in mind that we have more foreign companies in Canada than ever before, and yes it will trickle down. Let me remind you that Stephen Harper wants fewer regulations and wants to relax foreign investment pitfalls to bring in more foreign investors. What do you honestly think that will mean for Canada down the line. If Harper has his way he will be carving up and selling off Canada in pieces. I don't know about you but is that the kind of country you want to live in. It may be I'm slightly over reacting and you may think I have a hate on for Harper, but when it comes right down to it, with his my way attitude, do you really trust him to have all of Canada's best interest at heart.
Remember above all things, that your choice does ultimately send a message as to the kind of country you want to live in.
I will not kid you that the leaders we have to choose from are any good choice. I will not kid you that the way our electoral system is set-up is a true reflection of how the people would truly like to vote. Personally, I would like to be able to vote for our leader separately from the person who I would like to see represent my riding, but I would also like to get rid of partisan politics too. I definitely will not hold my breath on the last one. However, I do believe if people could vote for a leader separately from the ruling party you might be surprised at the results. Ultimately it would be nice to know that these people are here to work on behalf of the people of Canada, to represent our best interests, here at home and abroad.
So as for all the polls and constant barrage of bull puckey, remember the challenge and do some digging. Hearsay is just hearsay go with your own informed choice.
election promises,
at 4:22 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
Harping on Stephen
What can I say the election is here and it's taking up so much air space. This could just turn into a daily commentary of the stupidity of the Conservative camp. It seems never ending, which really makes me wonder about the reality that these conservative yahoos might actually be steering our country into waters unknown.
So what exactly was the latest debacle...........
"Sarrow was suspended yesterday for suggesting that Davis, whose son Cpl. Paul Davis died in Afghanistan in 2006, criticized Harper's commitment to withdraw Canadian troops in 2011 because he is a Liberal supporter.
"Somebody in our war room sent out an inappropriate email questioning the motivation of a father of a deceased Canadian soldier who questioned our policy in Afghanistan," Harper said at a campaign event in St-Eustache, Que. "That individual has been suspended from the campaign." ........from the Star.
That's not to say the Liberals or now even the NDP are pristine. Let's get real. However .........
"despite Harper's pledge on Sunday not to get "personal and nasty," the Conservative campaign has now twice been forced to apologize for mistakes."
Plus it would really, really be nice if the Television ads did not spend there time discrediting the other parties but actually spent time promoting the various platforms.
I am loathed by the fact that our Government is continually trying to bring in American political campaigning style tactics here. I will even go as far to say that the government did indeed change legislation so that advertising rules did not apply to them. So it's a free for all as far as the government is concerned. So propaganda and media censorship seems to not be far behind.
Now that being said I surely hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and enjoy the many festivals going on out there and avoids the constant barrage of political B.S.
at 8:24 AM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
There has been a lot of talk about goals around my house of late. With the start of a new school year my daughter went into this year by setting herself a goal. So on the first day of school I approached her teacher to set up a little impromptu meeting with my daughter regarding her reaching her goal.
Now I'm not sure if you can remember but my daughter is in an LD class. She's dyslexic which makes reading and in turn writing a struggle for her. But her goals are to improve her writing, reading and math. Yup she's a practical kind of gal. Actually her ultimate goal is to receive A's. Which is of course music to my ears....... but I'm not pressuring her and she knows it. I'm happy if she didn't get so frustrated doing what seems to come easy to most of us. Although I do have to say noticing the difference from the beginning of last year to the end did warm my heart. Plus there are always those times when out of nowhere she surprises me and she has these moments where something has come to her easily. I try not to play up those moments too much in case she mistakes this as pressure.
Yup I'm most happy with slow and steady progress.
Well back to the meeting with her teacher and what came out of that. The practice he encouraged to her to start is to write a little something every day. Knowing my daughter I asked if we could somehow break that down for her so it wouldn't feel so daunting. And so the plan was to pick topics that she would like to explore. So far we are still stuck on the original two she picked.
Last night we focused on her spelling list. But this morning she had a shell shocked look and realized she hasn't written anything yet. It's not that she doesn't write, she is encouraged to write all the time. In fact she has acquired several journals to do just that. Plus she does write periodically and so I reminded her that she could share some of the stories she already has written.
Now this all brings me to my main point and that is after having this meeting with her teacher and encouraging her to write a little something everyday I realized when i started this blog that was my original intention - to write a little something every day. Hmmmmm......... and I've discovered it really isn't all that easy to do that. I mean really what the heck am I going to write every single day. Quite frankly I don't really like talking about myself..... that can become very boring to me. I'm not that egotistical. So I've realized under the advisement of my daughter's teacher that I too need to come up with a list of topics.
Now that could be a very long list but that's a good thing. I love to learn new things everyday, this could be the jumping off point.
Have the grandest day.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Election food for thought
I wouldn't normally spend so much time on politics, but of course there is an election on and I just spent a little bit of time watching some CBC commentary on what's up on the political front today. I found it kind of interesting that they happen to hit on the topic of election behavior which is what I posted on just the other day. Or maybe that was today, but I did write it a few days ago before the election was officially announced.
So what did happen today.......... well apparently the Harper's conservative accidently (yeah right!) posted an unflattering flash page on their website. I find these kind of tactics and behavior ridiculous. One really has to wonder about the values and judgement used. Cyber-bullying is no better than any other kind of bullying. It's something that has been quite a topic in the mainstream world.
Now just the other day there was a court case of one gentleman writing an email regarding another person. He only sent it to one other person, but that other person sent it on to some others and the person who sent the original ended up in court for defamation. The guy ended up having to pay $5000 to the injured party.
Now here's my point, if the political parties were fined for every time they inappropriately represented someone else I think that would go a long way in restoring some respect within the government. Change needs to happen in this country and I'm sad if we would have to actually have to spend time having to relearn behaviors especially at such a level.
This brings me to the issue that behaviors are learned and as a government who is not only representatives of the general population they are also leaders which we look to for leadership. Now what kind of leadership do we have if they feel it necessary to become bottom feeders and in turn distract the general public from the real issues. As representatives who I think would strive not only to represent the voting population should also set the example for the future voters....... and these are the same at risk individuals who are very impressionable in emulating others.
So again, shame on the leaders who continually use the bottom feeder tactics. What exactly is it that you say to your children, Stephen Harper when one of your children ask or better yet behave in the same way. Nothing like sending mixed messages to our children. Ultimately isn't everything we do a legacy that we leave for the future generations? Is this the type of legacy you really want to leave?
Now let's stick to the issues!!
political tactics,
stephen harper
at 5:52 PM
Friday, September 5, 2008
So how does the American election affect Canada?
That's a big topic and for those of you who thinks it doesn't affect us you're living in your own little reality. First let's take our present Prime Ministers relationship with the US leader. On the surface it may seem like there isn't really that much going on there... passing acquaintances but underneath it all, there is nothing but the interest in Oil that is the connecting factor.
Yup that's right I said the bad word Oil and everything the republicans do is tied to Oil. One is because many of them have personal interest and wealth in the Oil industry. Now to say the industry includes only oil is a bit deceiving there are other industries and interests involved here. Like the production of ethanol for the new alternative fuel, but ultimately it's self interest and not interest for the quality of life for americans.
Here's my take on this and it's only my take...... I go on what my instincts and intuition tell me.
Alberta is in a way the Canadian Texas with all it's Oil producing fields and it's attitude. The PM really doesn't give a hoot about all Canadians, but mostly what will benefit Alberta in the long run. Now I can't really blame any particular PM that would come from any other province especially since the usual experience is we only ever have PMs that come from Quebec. (which in itself is a bit suspect and suspicious, but a little bit more understandable for many reasons).
I do find it a little suspicious that Harper of all times has chosen now, right now an October election. An election that will take place before the American election. Historically in Canada we don't have long huge drawn out campaigns, but there is something inside me that says there is more to this election than meets the eye. What exactly this is I can only take a guess.
There is one thing I'm grateful for and that is there haven't been any attack ads. Attack ads on everything from a person's character to their ability of as a leader. These types of ads are an American phenomenon. Canadians are generally kinder and more supportive hence our reputation as a Peace loving country and peacekeepers and makers. The basic thing to this is...... we spend so much time teaching our children about bullying and how not to be a bully or how to deal with a bully. Yet these types of ads do nothing but perpetuate that very kind of behaviour.
Now if I'm not mistaken we are talking about adults here, adults that are educated, adults who claim they have ideals, morals and values. Plus I'm sure these adults deal with teaching these very same issues to their children. So when if ever has it been considered alright to perpetuate the very same behaviour and attitudes we don't want to see. Our leaders need to be leaders and although this may seem like the tiniest smallest thing they need to worry about it's this very kind of example they need to set. We are all watching!!!! Don't forget it.
In fact to point out an example, when Stephen Dion was elected the Conservatives started a campaign discrediting him based on out of context speeches. All I can say is shame on the conservatives. Now on the other hand have you noticed the newest ads put out by the Conservatives, they do not slam anyone in fact they qualify no one but their leader and that's how it should be. (okay so I spoke to soon and now since the election is officially underway the mudslinging is about to begin, but as long as they stick to their records and not their characters are we still one step ahead? Hmmmmmm..........?????)
Now back to how the US election affects us. The thing is if you have been watching any of the campaign unfolding in front of our eyes you have to remember we get a very different perspective the outsider's view that isn't skewed drastically to sway us to see just one side. We actually get to see things from the broader perspective, we get to look at the larger picture. And if it wasn't for Youtube and other social networking sites, the good US citizens too may only be getting a specific view. With all these new things available to them they get to take in the broader perspective if they want. If they're interested.
So in the larger perspective in my opinion you have Obama who I believe and feel that he is completely aware the entire world is watching. As a fairly new political player with a short history of experience he has taken on a very experienced running mate.
McCain on the other hand although maybe more experienced by his years of service has chosen a relatively inexperienced running mate and a female to boot. My gut is telling me he is pandering to get voters he might not otherwise get. Not only that but to go after more Oil in Alaska that is in a national reserve to boot. Yup there is the Oil connection again. Now Palin may be a bit of a spitfire and the token female, but truthfully as a VP would mostly be ineffective not only to the country but in some ways not with Alaska's best interest at heart.
With Canada situated in the middle between Alaska and the rest of the US it will definitely affect the Northern environment and trickling down to the rest of Canada. Now either way the election goes Canadians are looking at our trade agreements being under scrutiny. And rightfully so, the North American Free Trade Agreement has never in any way or form ever been beneficial to Canadians, in fact in many ways it has been detrimental in the loss of manufacturing jobs and many other issues. These agreements have basically taken the spotlight off the service to citizens and placed the service squarely on private enterprise. There is no balance. So it is no wonder that the rich get richer while the majority is forgotten. Again personal interest on part of the government. Plus it is no wonder that the Free Trade agreement was one that was penned and signed by both Republican and Conservatives.
If you just look at the pattern of how the economy does while each perspective party is in power both here and in the United States, what would you rather have. You would think that if a Conservative or Republican party were truly conservative in their ways the money wouldn't be going out the window in droves. And each and every time it's always the Liberals and Democrats that come in to reset the economy and bring it back into balance. Now you would think with a record like that the choice would be obvious. Republicans/Conservatives in my view are equal to Enron's executive corruption. Now I'm not saying that corruption does not happen within the Liberal/Democratic realm cause well that would be someone with there head in the sand, but you really can't fault a government that creates jobs and reduces the debt and takes care of the people who voted them in.
stephen dion,
stephen harper
at 11:14 AM